Sunday, June 15, 2014

what media discovery or invention has made the greatest impact on society today?

Media evolution is our week 2 class cover chapter.There are some media that lecture told us.

1. Movable type printing machine invented by Johannes Gutenberg
2. Camera obscura. It's used for drawing or entertainment.
3. Color plate book
4. Photograph
5. Photo on glass. If this technology didn't change our photo album will be so thick.
6. Typewriter. Everyone can own one and be a author.
7. Telephone. Invented by Alexandar Graham bell in year 1876.
8. Gramophone. First recording system used wax disks.
9. Tape recorder
10. Camera. Photography became more cheaper and simpler. Commercial camera with film. More people can own one.
11. Comic. Since 1987, people need character make them feel safe.
12. Media & propaganda. Used to influence people. Difference people got same message but will have difference interpretation
13. Motion picture projection. Since 1918
14. Overhead projection. Scan paper to projection. Single people can't control because it's too complicated.
15. TV broadcast. Since 1831.
16. Jukebox. Big box old music player.
17. Polaroid. Get instance photo compare to camera.
18. Portable computer

Which media has the greatest impact on society today? For me it's phone. Telephone is invented by Alexandar Graham in year 1876. The phone is used to get near of the relationship with other but now not only that least. Nowadays, the whole world is at the fingertips if you got a smartphone. Young generation rely on smartphone for everything and of course include me myself. The main reason is due smartphone can just do about anything. We used phone for games, assignment and even running a business. Phone nowadays are basically miniature computer. You can online and download applications right to your phone so the need for computer becoming less and less.

Phones help us in many way but it's also cause few problem. For example, there are people using phone while driving. This is dangerous like people driving after drinking alcohol. Using phone while driving is a distraction and this not only hook your life on it, as well as other road user. Not only on the road, people using phone during dinner or family gathering. This happen to you and I. People nowadays are easily get irritate when their don't get instance reply or their got the status "seen at xx:xx" but no reply from Whatsapp. Undoubtedly, we are over used of phone.

The old times, people used phone to connect. We wanted to have face to face contact but if we can't then we make phone call. Today, people rather to face the screen of phone then have face to face contact with other. People wanted to scroll Facebook and not to talk to parents or friend, me myself is the good example. I don't know what to talk to my parents so I keep scrolling my smartphone screen to make less embarrass.

Media has positive and negative impacts on people communication. There is media because to fulfill need of society. People demand more and more to make a qualify life and to comfort themselves. As the media evolution, the attitude and behavior of society has changed. And now society has been influenced by media.

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Friday, December 28, 2012

Global Creativity & Media Agencies

[WEEK 10]

In business, marketing is one of the most important segment and by advertising, you will able to market your business. There are ones saying that you need to spend one million on advertising in order to sell your one dollar product. Many global company does that for instance, Pepsi company hired numerous football star which cost more than millions to film their one dollar sugar drink advertisement.

However, traditional advertising approach is no longer applicable in today world as people is expose to more and more media due to the development and advancement of technology. Therefore, media agency need to come out with creative advertising method to be effective and stay relevant in the market.

Below are some of the advertisement that got award.

Watch it~!
Be inspired~!

Cool Mouse

Pepsi Max


Funny Couple

Credit to : YouTube.

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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Creativity in art design and multimedia

[WEEK 09]

Creativity in Art Design and Multimedia

Art is a diverse range of human activities and the products of those activities. Multimedia is media and content that uses a combination of different content formsCreativity refers to the invention or origination of any new thing that has value.

The Dadaism used scissors and glue rather than paintbrushes and paints to express their views of modern life through images presented by the media. A variation on the collage technique, photomontage utilized actual or reproductions of real photographs printed in the press. In Cologne, Max Ernst used images from World War I to illustrate messages of the destruction of war.
"DADA" was the name given to an "Anti-Art" movement that began in Zurich Switzerland in 1916.  It began in the chaotic and violent times during the first world war by exiled poets, dancers, artist and actors.  They were fleeing the meat grinding machine of war to the safe neutral mountain country of Switzerland. 

Example of Photomontage :

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