Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Mortar & Pestle

[WEEK 6]

The mortar is a bowl, typically made of hard wood, ceramic or stone. The pestle is a heavy club-shaped object, the end of which is used for crushing and grinding. The substance to be ground is placed in the mortar and ground, crushed or mixed with the pestle. Sometimes referred to as an "Apothecary Grinder" by individuals unfamiliar with its use, the proper historical name is "mortar and pestle". The mortar and pestle is usually utilized when cooking and when crushing ingredients for a certain drug in pharmacies. It can also be used in masonry and other types of construction where the mortar and pestle is needed.


This week, we do a mind map about mortal and pestle. Mind map is divided into logical and associated mind map.

Logical Mind Map is directly connected to stereotypes. The Logical mind map comprises of solely stereotype words. Which means that every word or image that is put within the mind map is directly related to the central subject through its links.

Associated Mind Map, using an associated mind map we are able to generate random words and also show the links between words that seemingly have no connection.

Class Exercise  
Lecture need us to create different purpose of mortal and pestle. 

- E N D -

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