Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Random Association

[WEEK 08]

This week we learn about "Random Association". Sometime we will have blockage when we want to be creativity.  Random Association can solve this problem. Random association is a creative technique whereby we use random words to solve problems. 

Using random association, we were to complete an exercise
on " How to make a person stop smoking in 6 months

Random words: Traffic light

COLOR -  Green  represent safe ,  Yellow  represent danger , Red  represent critical stage. That mean RED can inflict health damage. 

METAL - Make cigarette body by metal. People will stop smoking because the cigarette is too heavy and will feel hot when cigarette flame.

DUST - Make cigarette body full of dust. People will stop smoking because feel disgusting.

SIGN - Place death sign on cigarette body. People will feel scare and stop smoking. 

- E N D -

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